Boulangerie Pâtisserie SanPietro Bakery | About Us
Montreal Italian Bakery, amazing wedding cakes, fondant cakes in montreal.
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Situated a few minutes from Jean Talon market, San Pietro bakery boasts clientele from across the Montreal region.
It is a family owned bakery, San Pietro has been serving its community since 1979. The bakery was founded by Pietro Calderone. We use only the finest ingredients, and time-honoured traditions to create a diversified and delectable line of Italian breads, food and desserts.
Pietro & Carmela Calderone
Connie Calderone
Chief Operation Manager
Leo Calderone
Master Baker
Pina Calderone
Master Pastry Chef
San Pietro bakery sets itself apart from the competition. Our line of specialty items includes;
- Fresh assortment of bread, daily.
- Pizzas, sandwiches and lunch soups.
- One of a kind 3D Cakes for any special occasion, as weddings and birthdays.
- Homemade italian style cookies and pastries