Boulangerie Pâtisserie SanPietro Bakery
1950 Jean-Talon Est, Montreal
Tel: 514-722-1388
Boulangerie Pâtisserie SanPietro Bakery | Blog
Montreal Italian Bakery, amazing wedding cakes, fondant cakes in montreal. boulangerie italienne à Montreal, gâteaux de mariage, meilleurs gâteaux fondants, patisserie Grand Montréal .
montreal cakes, bakery, pâtisserie, amazing wedding, wedding cakes, fondant cake, fresh bread, pizza birthday cakes, gâteau de mariage, anniversaire, fête, enfants, pain frais, pizza, grand montreal
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Happy new year to all my friends, Welcome to our first blog entry, which I will try to post an interesting story, experience, or cake secret that happens at San-Pietro bi-weekly! I hope everyone had a great Christmas, this year for Christmas we had a challenging fondant house cake...